Surely you will have found hundreds of articles, in which the author tells you that he quit his job to live traveling, while earning money working from the comfort of his home. But ... how to make money online? Is it really possible?
Yes..!! Making money online is completely possible and there are already thousands of us who are doing it.
Just as it was difficult for my dad to understand, the day I told him that I quit my old job in a multinational, to work as a worker while I earn money from anywhere in the world, I know that for many it may sound like it is something too good to be true.

But although it seems like a utopia, I tell you that thanks to my online ventures and that I learned to earn money online, today I can live traveling and multiply my income, while enjoying the life I always dreamed of.
All without having won the lottery, much less being a technology genius, since just 2 years ago the most I had achieved, was to download an app on my phone.

Let's see how you can start the path that will allow you to generate income online, working from the comfort of your home or from anywhere in the world as a digital nomad.


Join this free course, in which you will learn to define your idea and create a professional blog or website, in less than 1 hour.

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You will probably have already realized that working for someone else's dreams, you will not get very far, much less in our region (where there are low wages along with a high cost of living).

That is why online jobs have become an excellent option for many of us, and I hope to show you with my repeated experiences (with websites of different themes), that none of this is a matter of luck, but to really want it, because The reality is that the opportunities to earn money online are available to anyone who wants to take them.

Another good news is that if you want, today you can start creating your own web project and start making money online, for less than it would cost you to go to dinner or to the movies. As the thousands of nonconformists who are part of my community of free support for digital entrepreneurs have already done.

By the way, when I mean that you can earn money online, I talk about amounts that most of us could never earn working for someone else and that is income that (as in my case) sometimes exceeds $ 100,000.00 per month!

In this article I want to share with you some of the easiest business ideas to implement, to start making money online.

Please take into account that the fact that any of them is more or less viable for you will depend on your tastes, as well as your abilities.

If you have read me before, you probably know that with my online business models, I make money even while I sleep. So much so, that today I earn my old one-year salary in just one month, and that happens almost automatically.

And no, it is not that I want to show off, but how to talk about figures ($$$) seems to be what moves many people, I decided to do it so that they can see the incredible possibilities they have of achieving that financial freedom that 99% of Hispanics are getting lost and that is within reach of everyone with access to a computer and internet connection.

Earn money online with these profitable business ideas - Earnings example
But please, be very careful! I want to clarify that the one that today can generate passive income (almost automatically), does not mean that I never moved a finger. It has been more than 1,500 hours of study, trial and error, which have brought me here.

All the step by step I summarize in my community of support for novice digital entrepreneurs and in this free mega guide.

Below you will find a general list with 20 of the best ways to earn money online, but first I want to share you ...


Join this free course, where you will learn step by step to create a professional and monetizable web page, in less than 1 hour. Living from your passion and working from home is possible.

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The best for the beginning!

Definitely, creating a professional blog or website is (at least for me) the best way to earn money online, while working from home and the one I personally recommend as the first option…. But why do I think a blog is the best way to make money online?
Simply because writing about something that you are really passionate about, from your home or anywhere in the world and that you also receive money for doing it, for me it is the best.


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So you want to make money online.

You've probably found a lot of bloggers that explain how to do it. And most of them are probably not earning a single euro (run away from whoever tells you to fill out surveys or click on ads to generate revenue).
Not to mention those who only earn money selling courses where they teach how to earn money. Paradoxical, right?
Is not my style. I have been living on the Internet for years, generating thousands of euros and learning the ins and outs of online business.
Online course income
In a week I have earned more than 8,000 euros.
First of all you should know that making money online is not easy or fast. It never has been, despite what you read or want to sell you.

I have had to dedicate a lot of effort and sacrifice much of my free time. I have spent sleepless nights, I have spent hundreds of hours learning and I have given up my vacation while trying to earn my first euros.
But it was worth it.
The great advantage is that it is no longer necessary to have technical knowledge. Before you should know how to program to create a website, but today there are systems so intuitive that even a child would know how to do it.
So the opportunity is now.
In this article I will reveal the 10 best ways to make money online for its economic potential, simplicity and ability to generate income in a stable way. And since I want to be totally transparent with you, I will also show you my own results.

I remind you that here you will not find high-risk systems or ridiculous income such as filling out online surveys or playing poker. If you want to make real money, you will have to work it out.

Active income versus liabilities
Before you start, you should know that there are two ways to make money online: active and passive systems.

Assets are those that require that you have to be doing something to generate income, such as selling crafts made by you, translating texts or playing poker.
Liabilities are those that, once created, require virtually no further action on your part. Think about the advertising revenue generated by the readers of a website or the dividends you get with an investment. After the initial effort, then you don't have to do practically anything else.
The latter are the most desired.

Thanks to passive systems you can continue to generate income while you sleep, are traveling or spend your time on anything else. They not only give you money: they also give you freedom.

And it's not that active systems are bad, but the Internet is like a showcase that never closes. It is always in operation, and you can take advantage of it to get a steady income stream.

How to make money online: 10 formulas that work
Let's now look at the best ways to earn money online for its economic potential, simplicity and reliability, and the results I have achieved with them.

1. Earn money with affiliate marketing
This is the system with which I earned my first euros, and in my opinion it is one of the most affordable ways for any beginner who wants to generate passive income.

It hardly requires knowledge, the investment is almost nil and its income potential is very high. In addition, once assembled you can practically forget about it: only minimal maintenance will be necessary.

Affiliate marketing consists of creating a website where you will publish analysis and product recommendations. In these analyzes you will put links to other websites where they sell the product. If you end up buying it, the seller will give you a commission for referring a customer.

Logically, you must first have reached an agreement with those web pages. Luckily, today there are affiliate platforms (the best known is Amazon Affiliates) where you only have to register to be part of that agreement.

Amazon affiliates
Let's say you're passionate about photography. You could create a web page where you would publish analyzes of different cameras or lenses with a link to the Amazon product page for readers interested in buying.

This, for example, is an affiliate link.

Your website would appear in search engines like Google when people searched for analyzes or comparisons of those cameras. They would enter your article, click on the affiliate link and, in case they ended up buying, Amazon would give you a percentage.

Canon EOS 800D analysis
Analysis of the Canon EOS 800D from two affiliate websites.
Do you see where the grace is? You create a web page, publish articles and, once they have visits, it becomes an automatic system that you should not be attending constantly.
The income potential of this system depends on the market you have chosen (the more that category of products is sold online and the more expensive they are, the better), but also on the time you invest.

How to make money online: 10 formulas that work in 2020

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Friendz is a platform that allows ordinary people to become an image of their favorite brands, thus taking photographs and sharing them on their social networks.
Today we explain the system on which Friendz is based, how we can earn credits, how it can be used and why our application is based on the blockchain.
How does Friendz work?
Friendz is presented as a mobile application (for both iOS and Android), just like on your computer desktop (webapp). After downloading the application and registering with your personal Facebook profile, you can see the different campaigns available and, thus, be able to choose the one you like and participate in it.
Campaigns can be Fun or Brand: Fun campaigns reach all users but have a limited number of participation, while Brand campaigns reach only users of an audience previously selected by the customer.
Campaigns allow users to earn credits, always depending on the difficulty of the action required by the client.
Every day you can carry out a campaign on Facebook and another one on Instagram.
How to participate in campaigns?
In order to participate in the campaign, a photograph must be taken always following the rules described in it and publish the photograph in the Friendz application. It is then when it passes to the approvers, who are responsible for conducting a thorough examination and see if the photograph is valid and follows all the rules described in the campaign. If so, the photo will be automatically published in each user's personal profile, sharing it with all their followers and friends. If, on the contrary, the photograph is not approved, it will automatically be deleted.

Our campaigns and how to participate in them
How does the approval system work?
Once the photo is uploaded to the application, it reaches our approval team consisting of more than 100 people who daily deal with approving the content manually.
For the photograph to be fully approved and ready to be published, it must be approved by a certain number of approvers, between 8 and 10.
Later, when the photograph has already been accepted, approvers can give a vote of 1 to 5 based on the quality of the photograph. Those with excellent quality receive a personalized comment. The vote appears in the user's profile that varies according to the quality of the last published photographs. If the quality increases, the difficulty of the campaigns to be carried out also increases, thus being able to earn more credits.
If, on the contrary, the photograph is rejected by the approvers, they make a personalized comment explaining the reason for the rejection.
Why is approval manual?
Manual approval is a safe and useful system for brand safety, since it guarantees the quality requested by the customer.
Our team receives precise indications for each type of advertising campaign, for the approval or removal of photographs. Particularly these rules are based on the quality of the photograph, the written comment and the hashtag.
It is important that the photographs are personal and not downloaded from the Internet for a copyright issue. It is a fundamental rule, photographs cannot be “stolen” and cannot be published on the Internet before approval. Thus, it is guaranteed that the photographs are new and original, without compromising the reputation or legality of the brand.
We have introduced a valuation system by approvers, to ensure that they are in line with the rules received by the client. The valuation of a single approver increases if the photo you have evaluated is finally approved. However, if the photo you have qualified, in the end is deleted by the other approvers, this first approver will receive fewer photos to approve and lower their rating.

Content approval in Friendz
Customers satisfied with Friendz
All customers who have collaborated with us so far are satisfied with the results obtained with Friendz. We know that each company has different needs and different expectations and it is for this same reason that each proposal and each marketing solution is different. In our platform you will not only obtain high quality photographs in line with the objectives of the company, but we also guarantee a participation and commitment of a community to carry out the proposed activities.
In the next article we will talk about the photographs and the process of scoring Friendz.

Friendz: An unconventional business model

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Merican mobile phone users are flooded with people who call spam. Hiya, a Seattle-based call monitoring service, estimates that consumers received 26.3 billion automatic calls in 2018, 46% more than the 18,000 million from the previous year. Phone manufacturers have taken note of their customers' problems. In its latest software version, Apple has made it possible for iPhone users to automatically send all callers unknown to voicemail. Although the function will certainly be useful for the millions of customers whose peaceful dinners are ruined by fake calls, it could be disastrous for the faltering public survey industry.
The challenges facing telephone pollsters have been growing. Telephone surveys have become very expensive, as the number of Americans willing to answer unexpected or unknown calls has declined. In the mid to late twentieth century, response rates were as high as 70%, according to SSRS, a market research and survey firm. But the Pew Research Center estimates that it received full interviews of only 6% of people who tried to survey in 2018. Although surveys with low response rates may still be accurate, their costs increase dramatically since pollsters spend more time and money calling more people. According to the American Association for Public Opinion Research, a traditional high-quality survey of 1,000 Americans costs approximately $ 48,000.
Apple's new call blocking feature could bring costs and response rates to more dangerous territory. Robert Griffin, director of research at the Voters Study Group of the Democracy Fund, a group of public opinion researchers, says the software poses an "existential problem." With call blocking, the barrier to conducting good surveys changes "from people who do not answer their phones to people who do not even receive the call." Analysts do not even know precisely how the new technology will affect the industry, but with the response rates that are already falling sharply, what is reserved for pollsters cannot be good.
Griffin does everything possible to see a positive side. The challenges of public opinion polling by telephone could encourage researchers to adopt newer and more innovative methods, including online surveys. They are cheaper and faster than telephone surveys, and provide a better framework for studying the attitudes and behavior of Americans. Surveys conducted through the Internet allow researchers to control the same people over time, a method that allows pollsters to conduct what they call "panel" surveys, to measure actual changes in opinions and focus on Smaller sectors of the population. Both practices are almost inaccessible to everyone, except for better-funded telephone pollsters.
The future of the surveys has not yet been determined. "It's worth being agile," says Griffin. Online surveys are based on complex statistical adjustments called "weighting" to ensure that the demographics of your respondents match the general portrait of Americans. At present, this strategy is working, but only because the political behavior of Americans is closely related to their demographic. African Americans and whites differ in what they want as president, as do voters with and without college degrees. Changes in those correspondences may surprise pollsters off guard. Researchers at the University of New Hampshire neglected to consider education when weighing their surveys for the 2016 presidential elections, not counting the graduates. They predicted that Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump in the state by 11 percentage points. In the end, he won by 0.
"The truth is that surveying people is difficult," says Griffin, "and any individual solution will probably be inadequate." The only way to prepare the future of the public survey industry is to constantly experiment with new technologies. Many organizations are doing exactly that. Due to the speed of technological change, those who are not soon will be forced to do the same, or close their doors.

Introducing "Checks and Balance", our podcast on US policy. UU. And the elections

I am fascinated with American political history and have been investigating our archives a bit in the period before the launch of a new podcast. The Economist's first main story about an election in the United States appeared on Saturday, November 30, 1844. The newspaper expressed "a pleasant surprise" at the victory of the "US free trade president" James Polk. The presidential elections of 2020 will be 45, but this will be the first with its own dedicated podcast, "Checks and Balance," which we launched on January 24.
A presidential election is a long and transparent process to choose the most powerful person in the world. This election promises to be one of the most absorbent and consistent in recent memory. Some 139 million Americans participated last time, but that still leaves 98% of the world's population nervously looking to discover what American voters reserve for them. The Economist team of writers in the United States and abroad will explain what is happening in the United States and why it is so important in other places. We are stubborn and sometimes thorny, but our views are always based on rigorous reports.

Every week, I will speak with Charlotte Howard, head of the office and editor of energy and commodities at The Economist in New York, and with Jon Fasman, our correspondent in Washington, to give you a global vision of democracy in the United States. We are aware that there are already as many podcasts of American politics as there are delegates available for Super Tuesday, so we will not waste your time with useless horse racing things.
Instead, we will take a single issue that shapes the United States and the elections. The first episode analyzes the practical consequences of the foreign policy of America of President Donald Trump. Some others we are working on: are they becoming the most socialist socialists? Why is the United States the only rich country with a drop in life expectancy? And what happens to the minds of the voters when they cast their vote?
We will show the experience and reports of The Economist correspondents throughout the United States and beyond. Each episode will present informed packages and historical pieces that will see the people, data and history that make up the contest, along with the discussion of our panelists.
The Economist has been providing a word in his ear since the heyday of the iPod, when Apple loaded our podcasts on the demonstration devices in its stores. The "Checks and Balance" reports will appear in our other programs, including "The Intelligence" (our daily podcast), "The Economist Asks" and "Money Talks". We will bring a well-informed and equitable perspective on American politics. This is how our motto came up: "If you want a podcast that has a view but does not take sides, listen to Checks and Balance."
The podcast "Checks and balance" will be published together with an electronic newsletter of the same name, which includes an introduction of mine and a selection of correspondent stories from across the country. The "Checks and balance" newsletter will also include an analysis only for subscribers of the latest surveys of data journalists from The Economist.
We hope to provide a rewarding and entertaining listening while we go through the noise to understand the trends and important developments, and surprises, of this election year. Is the result as surprising or pleasant as it was in 1844? The voters will decide.
John Prideaux is the editor of The Economist in the USA. UU.
Subscribe to the “Checks and Balance” podcast on Apple, Spotify, Acast or your preferred podcast application. The trailer and the first episode are available here.

A new iPhone feature represents a threat to pollsters

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I, Real Satoshi, invented Bitcoin (BTC) for the empowerment of less fortunate people. However, the real objective of BTC, which was to eliminate poverty, went down the drain as people's greed increased. The goal was to enrich the poor, but it happened in exactly the same way as those who had money bought BTC at cheap rates, which caused its price to increase and in the end made a fortune, while the poor remain poor.
But, I took financially unstable people into account when starting a new campaign at the encryption center. Like, all of you are aware of BitCoinReal (BCR) for my previous posts. In this currency, I am trying to empower financially unstable people; I am giving you the opportunity to succeed in the encryption center.
BitCoinReal (BCR) is better than Bitcoin (BTC) because of its fairness in terms of distribution of BCR currencies, its transaction limits on the BitCoinReal platform, its number of currencies that are in circulation and its security for BCR currencies.
In terms of distribution, I have formed a recognized formula called Fork method distribution through which a person who has fewer Bitcoins can exchange more BitCoinReal coins and a person who has more Bitcoins can exchange fewer BitCoinReal coins. Basically, in this method, we divide the number of 100 bitcoins. I am passionate about giving financially unstable people a new opportunity and from my platform each trader can start his business in small investments. In addition, the BCR currency is also stable in terms of economic value, since it is linked to the economic value of gold.
For the bifurcation exchange method, I also took into account the circulation of other crypto currency, so I had the idea that there are approximately 90 million unlocked coins of another crypto currency. Then, I supplied abundantly and threw 100 million BitCoinReal coins in circulation. Of these 100 million coins, 10 million coins are also in funds that are generally used for research and development purposes.
There are so many features that prove that BitCoinReal is better than Bitcoin. I have gathered several merchants worldwide on a single platform through which they can trade with the number of users from different BitCoinReal countries. BitCoinReal will make a story in the encryption center through its precious objectives.

Bitcoinreal (BCR) the first Bitcoin fork that implements PoS as well.

Each asset offers incentives or rewards based on its storage value; The same happens here with the digital currency. In this post, I will discuss the Bitcoinreal Participation Test. First, let's analyze the definition of Participation Test (PoS).
The Proof of Participation (PoS) concept states that a person can extract or validate block transactions according to the amount of coins he owns. This means that the more Bitcoin or altcoin owned by a miner, the more mining power it will have.
Both the Proof of Work (PoW) and the Proof of Participation (PoS) do the same job, but the way they both do the job is different. In PoW, computers are used for mining, but PoS connects all wallets to a server that is used for stakeout. The stakeout verifies all transactions along with the unlocking of the new blocks in the blockchain. In wallets, users invest their currencies that are used for stakeout. PoS is a cost effective way to unlock new currencies and verify transactions. People who invest coins through their valet always receive prizes. Among all the bitcoin forks, only Bitcoinreal will use PoS through which it will give incentives or rewards to its users who have invested their currencies on their platform, since the four-fold supply makes a lot of sense to bet more than mining.
Currently, Bitcoinreal is using Proof of Work due to its low circulation of currencies and the most important thing is that it has just arrived on a digital currency platform. But, the objectives you will cover on a digital currency platform will surely fulfill the dreams of all digital currency holders. The price of BCR currencies will also not fluctuate due to its mass adoption that Bitcoinreal will win due to its valuable features. I, Real Satoshi, trying my best to fulfill all the dreams I once had in mind while developing Bitcoin. In some unavoidable circumstances, the real goals of Bitcoin are not met. But, Bitcoinreal has now arrived to fulfill all my dreams, of which the main dream of mine was to empower less fortunate or financially unstable people.
Here, the main point about Bitcoinreal is to notify that it is the first currency that PoS will use to minimize the cost of energy and maximize the mass adoption that will be done with Bitcoinreal through its facilities. The main installation that BCR provides is a server that connects all the wallets of the users in which the users have invested their BCR currencies. The server is connected by itself and no electricity or individual work is needed.
Stay updated with us to learn more about Bitcoinrea.

Why is BitCoin Real BCR better than Bitcoin BTC?

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Making money online safely is already a reality. The network of networks is an ocean full of opportunities to get extra money every month from the comfort of your home. Like thousands of people, I have achieved it and you can do it too. Seriously, don't hesitate for a moment
Earn money online with Dinerobits
Even so, as in any job in real life, you have to dedicate time and effort, nobody gives anything here. Who thinks that he is going to get a lot of money fast reading this blog, let him forget the subject. Here we do not go that way.

 ATTENTION: If you think that here I will show you how to earn large sums of money in a short time and without doing anything, I already tell you now before you continue reading: NO. This blog is not about miracles or anything like that. Okay? 😀

My name is Tino and in this blog I want to share with you the different ways that I use to earn money online from home in this year 2020. What started as a simple hobby a few years ago, has now become my main source of income, even above my job. Something surprising and I never imagined.
It is likely that if you have come here it is because you want to get exactly the same, right? Live in a more comfortable and independent way, without bosses, with flexible schedules and doing what you really like. Or maybe your goals are more modest and you just want to generate extra income month by month.

In either case, I think that my experience can help you a lot, especially so as not to make certain beginner mistakes, know how to make money online legally and be aware of the best opportunities today. How about? Do we start

What will you find in this blog?
Many ways to earn money from home totally free.
Tutorials, analysis and proof of payment for each of the businesses.
Truthful and updated information on a daily basis.
What you will not find in this blog?
Miraculous methods to earn thousands of euros overnight.
Courses or guides to become a millionaire with incredible businesses.
Infallible systems to earn money without doing anything.
Can anyone make money from home?
Without a doubt yes, but most fail in the attempt. Why? Well, it's always for the same reason: lack of patience and perseverance, two mandatory virtues in this world. The principles in business are always hard, both in real life (offline) and on the Internet.

At the beginning you start earning very little (you really add up from cent to cent), but as you learn and spend more time, you start to see results and add in dollars and euros.

But unlike when you open a normal and current business (I know what I am talking about, I have one), on the Internet you can start from scratch, without having a hard one, without asking anyone for money, without any type of investment and above, from the comfort of your home and without any schedule or obligation.

Some common questions that many people ask are the following:

Should we have a certain age?
Not at all. Although there are some pages that only allow the registration of persons of legal age, 95% of the sites that you will see in this blog are for people of any age and condition. Namely:

Senior citizens looking to earn extra money to supplement their pension.
Young people and teenagers who want to earn an income in a simple way to be able to afford their expenses and / or whims.
Normal people who do not find work and who seek to make a living on the Internet.
Workers looking to earn additional money to supplement their salary.
Can you make money online from any country?
Yes. Most of the pages you will see in this blog are for users in all countries. Anyway, in the description of each site you will have an exact description in this aspect.

Is it necessary to have a credit card?
No. Almost all of the sites where we work are completely free and will pay us through electronic processors such as PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, Neteller, AirTM, bank transfer, and so on. It's as easy as opening an account in each of them (it's free) and we'll be ready to receive our winnings.

So, if you are a persevering person, with patience, you like the Internet and you want to start earning money online in a staggered, reliable and serious way, you are in the right place

How to get money online? What I need?

Paid advertising and PTC sites
Make money online with advertising Pages where you simply have to click on ads to make money. In most cases, it will be worth it to click on them, you won't even have to see them.

It is one of the most popular and widespread methods to earn money on the Internet, so the variety of sites of this style is immense. In addition, its use is extremely simple and suitable for anyone. The most famous of all is NeoBux.

Another advantage of this type of sites to earn money watching advertising, is that they serve for users of all countries, so, wherever you are, you can register and start getting income easily and free from the start 

► Here you will find the best PTC to earn money watching ads.

 Savings and cashback system
Make money online with cashback Pages where we will save and earn money with our regular purchases on the Internet. For each purchase made you will be given a percentage of it.

They also have other interesting ways to earn free money such as viewing videos, records on other pages, exclusive offers, and so on.

If you are that type of person who loves to save, do not hesitate to take a look at these types of pages. The most famous of all is BeRuby

 In the category of money with cashback you will find all the ones we use in the blog.

 Online investments
Earn money online with investments We will analyze sites where you can get very good returns for our savings with the minimum possible risk. Our two fundamental guidelines in this type of sites will always be prudence and diversification.

For this, we will use whenever possible the money that we generate in the other free pages, which will make our pocket is not affected in virtually any case.

In any case, these types of pages will in no case represent more than 5% of our online business portfolio. As I said at the beginning, our main goal is to make money online without having to invest.

 More details on how to earn money by investing.

 Promotion pages and social networks
Earn money online with social networks

Today's social networks are one of the best ways to make money online for free. In addition to generating income, these sites will allow you to get followers and increase your social presence. This aspect is essential to grow in your projects and online businesses.

There are many platforms that are looking for influencers with a good number of followers to promote all kinds of campaigns. In return, you will receive an economic remuneration practically without doing anything. Very interesting!

 All the details about making money with social networks.

Make money playing for free
Earn money online playing

Different pages that will allow us to win gifts, prizes and money just for playing for free. In this section we will also include free sites where we can win real money by betting on our favorite sports without risking a single euro.

Earn extra money while having a good time, it sounds good, huh? Well, it's completely real. As I said at the beginning, the Internet offers incredible opportunities

► Feel free to visit our section on how to earn money playing.

 Applications for mobile devices
make money online with your mobile phone

Free apps to earn money comfortably with our mobile phone. It is one of the easiest ways to generate extra money from anywhere. In addition, if you are looking to earn money fast (although in small amounts) and without any complications, it is a method that you will love.

There are applications for both Android and iOS devices. As a general rule, the rewards are usually cash through PayPal and gift vouchers to buy on Amazon.

 Check out the best applications to make money with the mobile that exist today.

Affiliation platforms
Earn money online with affiliates Affiliation platforms where we can promote dozens of products, companies and services on our websites or blogs and get good commissions. If you manage to have a website with a lot of traffic, the profits can be huge.

Regardless of the theme of your site, do not hesitate to take a look at these types of platforms, since, surely you will find something to which you can get an economic performance. Making money with blogs or websites has never been easier. More information on how to get money with affiliate platforms.
10.- Freelance work from home
make money online as a freelancer from home The online communities for the sale of small services, is one of the best opportunities that exist today for all those who are looking for work

Sale of electronic books
Revenue from home with the sale of ebooks The purchase of electronic books has become an unstoppable phenomenon that is slowly relegating paper reading to the background. Whether you are an amateur writer or a veteran writer, the Internet can be the great opportunity you were looking to make yourself known and perhaps make a living from it.

The possibilities are immense and the steps to start are much simpler than in conventional literature. Do not hesitate to take a look at our basic tips to start making good money by writing.
Where and how to start making money selling electronic books.
 Earn money with a blog
Income from home creating a blog A blog is the best tool to start making money online, there is no doubt about that. A blog will allow you to express your ideas and knowledge to the rest of the world, with all that that entails. Through it, you can let others know what pages you work with, your results on them, what products and / or resources you use, and so on. This has enormous potential.

Working in an honest and sincere way, you can create a community of followers who will read your content and trust you, and that is invaluable. A successful blog can become a real machine to generate passive income regardless of its theme: cooking, sports, health, games, travel, technology, making money online, and so on.

Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you can write about and contribute valuable things to others and create a blog, you will not regret it. A professional blog you can have it running for little money and in return you can get thousands of euros if you work with perseverance, discipline and dedication. It is not an easy path, but nothing in this life (if you work honestly) is.

If you are looking for how to get money safely and stably, do not hesitate and make a blog as soon as possible. Start earning money with a blog now

More information on how to create a blog to generate income online.

15.- Bitcoin and other virtual currencies
Earnings with Bitcoin Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is completely revolutionizing the world of currencies. Its value is constantly growing and more and more sites accept it as a payment and collection method.

For a few years, the number of pages where we can get small fractions of this virtual currency is growing vertiginously.

Given that these sites are totally free of cost and available to users in all countries, it is a great opportunity to earn free money online with relative ease.

As if this were not enough, if the trend in its price continues to rise as in recent years, we could find spectacular revaluations in the not too distant future. Without a doubt, a great opportunity 🙂

 Discover now how to earn free bitcoins online.
 Buy and sell web domains
Buy and sell domains One of the oldest ways to make money online is to buy and sell domains, both new and old. There are many strategies in this regard. One of them is based on finding domains that are below their real value and then sell them many more expensive.

Another method (although much more difficult), is based on buying a domain and growing it until it reaches a value that is well above the money and time invested in it.

It is obvious that to apply this strategy it is necessary to have knowledge of SEO and web positioning, but this is now available to everyone thanks to the immense information on the network 🙂

The most used platform to buy and sell domains is Sedo.

 Become an influencer
Get income with InstagramIf there is a social network that has grown hugely in recent years, that's Instagram. Millions of people around the world upload huge amounts of images and photos sharing their life, their work, their hobbies, and so on.

This has not gone unnoticed by the big brands, which have set their sights on this social network as the ideal platform to carry out their advertising campaigns. And there is no better way to do them than through familiar faces and with great influence among his followers, those known as "influencers."

Therefore, being an Instagram influencer can become one of the best ways to make money with the Internet.
More information on how to make money with Instagram.
Online sale through dropshipping
Dropshipping business Dropshipping is a form of entrepreneurship that is allowing thousands of people to earn money from home with their own online business. The great advantage of this system is the possibility of having an immense catalog of products for sale without having to physically have them.

make money internet with the cell phone

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